Thursday, February 24, 2011

Inspirational Rhyming Poem

Weekend pass , I went alone.
Though one day late, it was my own.
Being back home it was the best.
Peace and quiet, never put to the test.
Always early I awaken.
By my brother, I am shaken.
With my sibling, playing video games.
No arguments, and no needless flames.
Coming back I do regret.
Bonds that I will not forget.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"The Base Stealer" and "The American Hero" Paragraph

I think the character in the story is proud because he maybe scored, and the crowds pumped up.Like “taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird”, he’s expressing what he feels by taunting the other crowd, which probably thier shawning him.So he’s jumping for joy and putting down the audience.It also is like the star of the night or MVP, something that the people envy so I know they are boo-ing him.If I was him I would say something like “Yeah, I’m back!”.Then shake my head, this was maybe the best simile that’s out.

Similes + Metaphors + Personification = Figurative Language

1. Love is a rose.
2. Hatred is a burning fire.
3. Life is a symphony.
4. Friendship is a chained link fence.

1. Community meetings are like a waiting room.
2. Going on pass is like riding a rollercoaster.
3. The scent of the gym is as bad as a sewer.
4. Being in the house here feels like living on rocks.

1. The lighting of the moon guarded me through the darkness.
2. The flower danced in the open breeze.
3. The ringing of the phone screamed at me.
4. The car raced swiftly toward the finish line.  

Copy of Figurative Language and a Random Object

Copy of Figurative Language in Old Poetry 9

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Songs Containing Figures of Speech from Boys 4

Kamelot-Call of the Sea. - “The sea is calling me” - Personification
Sonata Artica -Blank File - “You are a file in there, money in the open fair”- Metaphor
Pat Benetar-Love is a Battlefield- “Love is a Battefield”-Metaphor
Rush-The Trees-”For the maples want or sunlight, and the oaks ignore ther pleas”-Personification.
Smog-Palimpset - “Why’s everybody looking at me like there’s something fundamentally wrong, Like I’m a southern bird that stayed north too long” - Simile

"The Base Stealer" and "American Hero"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free Choice Blog Post

My dream is to be in the NBA, the question is how?Or is it possible.Many amazing things occur even when your off guard.Well my motivation is never give up even if you fail.I noticed Who players come from college, most of them like Dwight Howard or Tracey Mcgrady.Who both went to college to become what they are now.But it’s not going to be an easy goal for anybody to accomplish.It requires phisical requirements such as atheleticism.Ball handling skills, knowing how to play any positions in order to forfil this achievement.All I have to say “it’s possible”.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Poetry Jigsaw Form for Through/Classwork

Imagery in a Selected Poem Graphic Organizer

Memorable Valentine's Day

An exspierence of valentine was in 6th grade at Bell Middle School.A girl named Paulina was someone that I liked since the beggining of the year.So I think it was 2006 or 2007.Was maybe the greatest valentine ever.What I did was ask her out on valentine’s day, that day I was a lucky man because she said “yes”.I was happy because we hugged, holded hands the whole day, eating chocolate.Then after valentine’s day throughout two month’s we were going out then the day she broke up with me she said “I wish I never went out with you”.When she said that I was feeling down, as of today I really never date.But only be loved by my family.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Fog Fire and Ice" Paragraph

"Fog, Fire and Ice" Paragraph

The animal in the “Fog” would be a cat. What the author was trying to tell us is that the setting taking place is peaceful, and quite, sneaky.The setting shows how respectful the area around the cat’s surroundings are.How the reader realizes the meaning towards the figure of speech. In the “Fire and Ice” means a violent painful death involving burning from fire, being hung on some tree and being stabbed in the stomach 1000 times.Ice means a slow death like being bit by a Black Mamba which its venom is enough to kill a full grown man in a matter of 15 minutes.Or slowly being killed by ice cold water in Antarctica by loss of breath or frost bite, best luck would be not to sleep.

If I was the one who picked an animal it would have been the same as it already is because cats are extremely intelligent animals plus they show respect towards thier owners, most of all their peaceful no matter where they are.Fire or ice hmm...I would be neither, they both burn constantly even ice as well.

Copy of Fire an Ice \ Fog Poem Graphic Organizer

Monday, February 7, 2011

Haiku Graphic Organizer

Imagery in a Song

 A imagery in a song relates to me would be “Thank me Now”-by Drake which says:
”I could relate to kids going straight to the league
when they recognise that you got what it takes to succeed
and thats around the time that your idols become your rivals
you make friends with Mike but gotta AI him for your survival
damn, I swear sports and music are so synonomous
’cause we wanna be them and they wanna be us
yeah so on behalf of the demanded
and the entertainment you take for granted
you could thank me now...”
        This song inspires me to follow my dreams and goals, to me I think if you dreamed about going to the NBA which I have, already happening.Well I hope I get there someday, I really want this in my future, and I’m tall enough for it I just require the skill’s, fundamentals down as well.If that doesn’t go my way I will be some coach or a staff of the NBA.