Andrew G.'s Blog
This blog post is about CST testing and how nervous he gets when ever he takes these kind of tests.It really is about just moods, which he describes in details. and how he gets when he fails academics or tests.The biggest test of the school year and if he fail's this test. He feels that he will repeat the 9th grade, which I wouldn't want either.But even though he says things that will destract him from the testy I think he should eat breakfast early, and sleep early and not stress out on a test. That's how I get all the time, I figured if you stress out things will get out of hands. And by that it will either be guessing, or failing the quiz. Hunger will be a important part of the day before you take the test so eat alot. Do not be nervous either because this will effect the test dramtically.
It seems that you had a hard time understanding the directions for this assignment. sure to check out the sample outline next time so you earn maximum points.