Monday, August 29, 2011

"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" Before You Read: Paralyzed by Fear

 When I was a boy probably about six or seven I remember being lost at target, and had no idea where my parent's went. Because I was playing with this robot arm that was made by lego's, it was the coolest thing I ever encountered before. So then I was left behind lost with fear, I ran around crying and trying to figure out where my parent's went. It was my fault for not following my parent's, and really crowded with adult's. It was christmas time and had no idea what to do, so then a employee had spotted me then took me to the counter. The lady asks my name, I say Andrew then right when the employee is about to say my name my mom come's out of nowhere says "Andrew! Where did you go?!" She was pretty pissed that I had got lost, so she grabbed me.


  1. I like you post I think I would be pretty scared if i got lost too. Keep up the good work:)

  2. Remember to capitalize proper nouns (Target, Legos). Check your punctuation; there are several word that don't require an apostrophe because they are not possessive.
