Thursday, July 21, 2011

“Romeo & Juliet” Love Letter – Acts 4 & 5


Baltizar has came to my presense to report to me that you are dead? How can it be my destiny? This poem is to be given to you immediatley. You're dead.  My quest is to be at your assistence through your tomb if you are there. I am banished but forvever I will get a hold of your beauty, my dream that has come upon me. I cannot wait, that I Romeo will ride my horse. On my path, as I encounter a priest getting off a horse.

 I am at your tomb. What have I done? Me Romeo to deserve such grief upon thee? My sins have put this in fate. My wife, love of my life is forever forgotten in this prophecy of hate and fate. If I were to bow to the elder gods, I am to be wildered for my unmannered monstrosity. As I gratfully accept that my wife has her last breath. Death is for what awaits me, to seek you throughout the heavens. For it has showed me truth effortlessly, this prophecy of ours will eventually come to end. As we succeed, the Realm of Heaven as we seek the lords have sought our love. Always and forever, my love.

Your Husband,

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